152: Mysterious iron meteorites with Dr. Chabot Jun 2 Written By Carrie Nugent Dr. Nancy Chabot returns to the show to talk about iron meteorites. Iron meteorites, she explains, are cores of small planets that you can hold in your hand. She describes her laboratory experiments which use furnaces, glass tubes, and tiny hammers. Dr. Nancy ChabotJHUAPLMeteoritesLaboratoryJohn Hopkins Applied Physics LaboratoryGeology Carrie Nugent
152: Mysterious iron meteorites with Dr. Chabot Jun 2 Written By Carrie Nugent Dr. Nancy Chabot returns to the show to talk about iron meteorites. Iron meteorites, she explains, are cores of small planets that you can hold in your hand. She describes her laboratory experiments which use furnaces, glass tubes, and tiny hammers. Dr. Nancy ChabotJHUAPLMeteoritesLaboratoryJohn Hopkins Applied Physics LaboratoryGeology Carrie Nugent