162: Charon's surprises with Dr. Beyer

Dr. Ross Beyer talks about Pluto's companion, Charon. He describes how he derived a theory explaining how Charon's "wonky" plains formed. He compares being a planetary geologist with a crime scene investigator, and tells us the story about how Charo…

Dr. Ross Beyer talks about Pluto's companion, Charon. He describes how he derived a theory explaining how Charon's "wonky" plains formed. He compares being a planetary geologist with a crime scene investigator, and tells us the story about how Charon got its name.

Visit Dr. Beyer’s websites!

Photo: The New Horizon’s team looking at a new image of Charon. Dr. Ross Beyer is directly in front of the computer. To is left is Dr. Bonnie Burrati. Also pictured is Dr. Kelsi Singer. Photo by Dr. Henry Throop.

Kubrick Mons, the "mountain with a moat" Credit: NASA. From Wikimedia. For more on this feature, see this article by Nadia Drake.

Kubrick Mons, the "mountain with a moat" Credit: NASA. From Wikimedia. For more on this feature, see this article by Nadia Drake.


163: Modeling millions of asteroids with Dr. Dotson


161: Dusty mysteries with Prof. Hartzell