108: End of mission blues with Dr. Storrie-Lombardi Sep 24 Written By Carrie Nugent Dr. Lisa Storrie-Lombardi returns to the show to discuss NuSTAR, Spitzer, and what it feels like to end a mission you’ve been working on for decades. Cassini’s Grand Finale has us reflecting on the upcoming demise of the Spitzer Space Telescope. Bonus image! Lisa's dogs. Dr. Lisa Storrie-LombardiNuSTARTelescopesSpitzer Carrie Nugent
108: End of mission blues with Dr. Storrie-Lombardi Sep 24 Written By Carrie Nugent Dr. Lisa Storrie-Lombardi returns to the show to discuss NuSTAR, Spitzer, and what it feels like to end a mission you’ve been working on for decades. Cassini’s Grand Finale has us reflecting on the upcoming demise of the Spitzer Space Telescope. Bonus image! Lisa's dogs. Dr. Lisa Storrie-LombardiNuSTARTelescopesSpitzer Carrie Nugent