Episode 40: Keeping an eye on asteroids with Dr. Don Yeomans Apr 10 Written By Carrie Nugent Dr. Don Yeomans, head of JPL’s Near-Earth Object office until his recent retirement, describes how the field of asteroid discovery has changed over the decades. He recallswhen early data indicated that asteroid Apophis had a small chance of hitting the Earth (spoiler alert: today, with more data, we know that Apophis will not hit the Earth). Dr. Don YeomansJPLAsteroidsCometsAstronomy Carrie Nugent
Episode 40: Keeping an eye on asteroids with Dr. Don Yeomans Apr 10 Written By Carrie Nugent Dr. Don Yeomans, head of JPL’s Near-Earth Object office until his recent retirement, describes how the field of asteroid discovery has changed over the decades. He recallswhen early data indicated that asteroid Apophis had a small chance of hitting the Earth (spoiler alert: today, with more data, we know that Apophis will not hit the Earth). Dr. Don YeomansJPLAsteroidsCometsAstronomy Carrie Nugent