78: Signals traveling through the fabric of spacetime with Dr. Kanner (Part 2)

78: Signals traveling through the fabric of spacetime with Dr. Kanner (Part 2)
Dr. Kanner explains how gravitational waves could teach us about the big bang, and how we might be on the cusp of discovering new phenomena that are so unusual, theorists haven’t even predicted their existence.Image: Northern leg of LIGO interferome…

Dr. Kanner explains how gravitational waves could teach us about the big bang, and how we might be on the cusp of discovering new phenomena that are so unusual, theorists haven’t even predicted their existence.

Image: Northern leg of LIGO interferometer on Hanford Reservation, image by user Umptanum, via Wikipedia Commons.


79: LIGO’s high quality (factor) fibers with Dr. Robertson


77: Signals traveling through the fabric of spacetime with Dr. Kanner (Part 1)