70: Every crater tells a story with Dr. Scully Nov 6 Written By Carrie Nugent Dr. Jennifer Scully talks about the geology of Ceres and Vesta, two large asteroids in the main belt that have been visited by NASA’s Dawn mission. She’s talks about the experience of getting to know each and every crater, and why the first images from Ceres surprised some people. Dr. Jennifer ScullyJPLDawnCeresVestaAsteroidsBad Drinks Carrie Nugent
70: Every crater tells a story with Dr. Scully Nov 6 Written By Carrie Nugent Dr. Jennifer Scully talks about the geology of Ceres and Vesta, two large asteroids in the main belt that have been visited by NASA’s Dawn mission. She’s talks about the experience of getting to know each and every crater, and why the first images from Ceres surprised some people. Dr. Jennifer ScullyJPLDawnCeresVestaAsteroidsBad Drinks Carrie Nugent